It’s my pleasure to let you know that Jamia Markaz is giving much importance to educating the growing women community in a thoroughly holistic way. By setting up an umbrella institution namely Markaz Academy of Women for Islamic Studies (MARKAZ AWIS ), it provides a number of relevant academic programs among which HADIYA has been more popular with its affiliated institutes across Kerala and neighboring states. We envision, by keeping a holistic approach in its essence, to revive the tradition of female scholarship that has been once rich in content and subsequent activities in Muslim societies and civilizations. In the process, MARKAZ AWIS follows the Islamic philosophy of education and offers courses in various branches of Islamic sciences, a number of secular subjects and more significantly, the life sciences. Further, MARKAZ AWIS trains its group of teachers and students to hold Islamic values, ethics, and ideals to their heart and thereby practice in their daily lives. And we firmly believe that by getting them well-educated would enable to bravely face challenging questions that Muslim community/family encounter today. Jamia Markaz truly hopes that this exclusive academic mission would bring up generations capable of shaping up value-oriented communities in the years to come.
Director General
Chairman Academic Council
Chairman Board of Studies
Project Director, Academic
Additional Director
Associate Director, Education
Chairman General Council
Chief Coordinator
Sharia Studies
Ilm-al- Kalam
Arabic Language
Sec: to Controller
Asst. Controller
Office Assistant